The Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association remains financially strong with a dedicated
Board of Directors effectively maintaining all assets and business transactions. There have been no increases in fees for approximately 10 years and none are planned as of
this date.
The past year your Board made a few notable changes and overcome unexpected
1. In response to complaints the tennis courts were being used by unauthorized
non-members, the Board instituted a formal policy requiring residents to sign a
log sheet inside the pool entrance. There have thus far been no formal
complaints of unauthorized use.
2. The Board hired Chris Burris to do all required maintenance for the pool,
recreation area and Greenbelt last year. The Board began a search to replace
Steve Naslund our long time Administrator earlier this year and found that person
in Chris Burris and for the first time in OHHA’s history both positions were filled
by one person.
3. The position of weekend Maintenance person is still vacant and offering $20 per
hour for a part-time job. Please call the office if you have any interest or know of
someone who does.
4. Last year the Board appointed an Architectural Review Committee as required in
the CC&R’s. This has never been done before. They have been and continue to
develop a defined policy similar to the landscaping policy that offer expectations
and guidelines regarding new structures added to homes.
5. As many of you have witnessed, the playground was upgraded with decomposed
granite (or dg) with a pathway leading from the sidewalk and into the playground
area which was plagued with gopher holes and unpleasant to look at. The Board
ordered four picnic tables with seats and is still waiting for delivery. As you walk
in the gate to the left of the dg, grass was planted.
6. Months before this meeting the Board put in place a billing system that will
prevent and further need for transitions from an outgoing Administrator. Bill
paying, monthly financial reporting and payroll were three major areas of the
Administrator duties. Our community has been very lucky to have a resident,
Steve Naslund, fulfill those duties competently for 14 years. When he left the
position for a year, transitioning was difficult. He returned for another two years
but then moved to another state and the Board recognized the value of having a
third party take over these duties. This transition has not been without difficulties
but it should be last time for the foreseeable future.
There are a few projects the Board will consider this year or sometime in the future:
a doggie park, a defined walking path along highway 156 and behind the homes
behind Arrowleaf and other streets, sidewalk repair, and hopefully an annual picnic
which was cancelled last year due to the pandemic. The next meeting the Board will discuss the feasibility of returning to live meetings.
Thank you so much for your continued support for the Board and do consider filling
the 2 vacancies.
Tom Dominy, President
Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association