14460 Charter Oak Blvd.
Salinas, CA 93907
(831) 633-0103
Welcome to Oak Hills Homeowners Association
Oak Hills Homeowners Association is comprised of 269 homes that are situated on the West side of Cathedral Oak Blvd, often referred by the community as "the new side". Please refer to the Aerial Map. for the specific area.
The residents of Oak Hills include owners and some renters, both of whom are valued members of our community. Although our renter residents contract privately with the home owner, they are subject to the same rules and procedures.
The goal of the Board is to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of life and property values at Oak Hills. Although all of us may enthusiastically endorse that goal, reasonable people will differ on how to achieve it. In every case we attempt to set parameters based on logic and common sense.
We do not expect every rule and policy to be revered by every member of the Oak Hills community. Some will find the rules too numerous and strict, while others will find them too few and too lax. It is in all of our best interest to observe Oak Hills Homeowners Association rules and policies out of respect for the community as a whole.
The rule, policies and procedures of Oak Hills are dynamic and subject to change with the times. The Board encourages owners to participate in the rule-making process by becoming involved with the community. Please attend meetings, serve on committees, make informed choices in electing directors and volunteer to run for the Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on on the Board of Directors, please submit your name and a brief bio or statement of why why would like to serve on the board to the office by email.

Photo by: Jerry Gifford
P.O. Box 689
Castroville, CA 95012