14460 Charter Oak Blvd.
Salinas, CA 93907
(831) 633-0103
Landscaping and Greenbelt Guildelines
The CC&R's of the Oak Hills Homeowners Association are established and agreed upon in order to enhance and protect the value, desirability, and attractiveness of property values in the Oak Hills Homeowner Association. It requires owners keep their lawns and landscaping well maintained and in good condition at all times.
Failure to maintain landscaping in accordance with the Landscaping Rules and Regulations can result in a monthly fine.
Greenbelt Vehicle Access
No motorized vehicles will be allowed to pass over the Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association property without the prior written permission of the Board of the Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association. The Greenbelt Vehicle Access Policy applies to all Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association property including, but not limited to, all parkways, greenbelt access paths, and the greenbelt.
The Board of the Oak Hills Homeowner’s Association recognizes that there are occasional needs to access homeowner’s property through the greenbelt for maintenance needs. Written permission for this access must be obtained from the Board by contacting the office by phone or email. You will need to provide the exact dates of access (limited to a couple of days), the access point you intend to use, and you must have a fire extinguisher in the vehicle. No vehicles that backfire are allowed.
Failure to gain prior written permission from the OHHA Board may result in fines and/or legal action.
P.O. Box 689
Castroville, CA 95012